VIC Activating Landscapes of Magnesiumweg 9, Amersfoort, the Netherlands, is responsible for the processing of the personal data referred to in this privacy policy.
This privacy policy applies to any and all individuals related to VIC Activating Landscapes. Said individuals include, yet aren't limited to, e.g.
What personal data do we process?
VIC Activating Landscapes processes your personal data as a result of your using our services and/or because you have provided us with them. We process the following personal data, i.e.
What sensitive personal data do we process?
Our website and/or service does not aim to collect data on users under the age of 16. Data on users under the age of 16 is only collected subject to prior parental consent having been provided. We do not, however, have any means of verifying whether anyone visiting our website is indeed over the age of 16. This is why we consequently recommend parents to engage with their child's on-line activities, to prevent any data on their child from being collected without their consent. In the event that you were to feel convinced that we collected data on a minor in absence of such consent, please contact us at and we'll move to delete the data in question.
For what purposes do we process your personal data and what is the legal basis entitling us to do so?
VIC Activating Landscapes processes your personal data for the following purposes, i.e.
How long will your personal data remain stored with us?
VIC Activating Landscapes will, in accordance with the law, not store your personal data for any period of time beyond what is necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed.
Sharing your personal data with third parties
VIC Activating Landscapes will not sell your personal data to any third parties and will not share them with such third parties unless necessary in the performance of our contract with you, or in the compliance with a legal obligation. Any companies processing your personal data on our instructions will do so pursuant to a prior processing agreement we will have concluded with them and which will ensure that your personal data continue to enjoy the same level of security and confidentiality they do with us. VIC Activating Landscapes remains responsible for any and all of the aforementioned processing of your personal data.
Cookies and the like
VIC Activating Landscapes uses functional and analytical (Google Analytics) cookies. A cookie is a tiny amount of code stored to the browser on your computer, tablet or smartphone when you visit our website for the first time. VIC Activating Landscapes only employs cookies serving a purely technical purpose. Such cookies allow our website to function properly and help to ensure that your preferences, for example, are remembered. We also employ these cookies to allow our website to function properly and to enable us to improve its usability.
Accessing, correcting, or deleting your personal data
You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal data. You furthermore reserve the right to at any time object, or withdraw your consent, to VIC Activating Landscapes processing your personal data and you also enjoy the right to your data being portable. Said rights entitle you to request us to forward you, or any other individual, or organisation, so indicated by yourself, a computer file containing all the personal data we keep on you. Please submit your requests for access to, correction, or removal, of your personal data, their data portability, or your objection to, or the withdrawal of, your consent for their processing via We would ask that you include a copy of your ID with your request for access to your personal data, to allow us to verify that it is indeed you, and not someone else who submitted the request. Kindly redact the copy of your ID you forward us, by blacking out your photograph, the MRZ (machine readable zone - all the numbers at the bottom of the ID page in your passport), your passport number and your social security number. This will help protect your privacy. We'll move to reply to your request as soon as we can, but will not take more than four weeks to do so. VIC Activating Landscapes would like to also point you to your right to file a complaint with the national data protection supervisor, the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens. Complaints can be filed via the following link:
How do we protect your personal data?
VIC Activating Landscapes is serious about protecting your personal data, which is why we have implemented safeguards to counter the abuse, loss, unlawful access to, or unlawful amendment of, your personal data., or unlawful amendment, of your personal data. Should you feel that your personal data don't enjoy proper protection, or if you have indications of their abuse, please let us know by sending an email to